Our estimated dispatch time is shown on each product page while you shop. Where products are available (if shown “In Stock”), we normally dispatch them between 1-3 working days after your order date.
When products are not shown as “In Stock”, then you can contact us for the information about that product. If for any reason we’re not able to get your items dispatched within the estimated time, we will inform you to let you know about the delay.
Orders received before 2pm (BST) during business days will ship same day. Orders received after 2pm or on weekends or holidays will ship the next business day.
Delivery Charges always depend on the value of the items in your cart. We offer FREE SHIPPING on orders above £100.
You will normally receive your items within 3 working days after dispatch. But sometimes, they can be delayed by the courier. If you don’t receive your items within 2 weeks, please contact us for a replacement order. We will happy to assist you.